by Glen Smith

Glen Smith often contributor to the Kayak Forum and Administrator at the Bear Mountain Canoe Forum has provided the following two designs for free. These two designs have been developed in the excellent Kayak Foundry, which is available for free from Ross Leidy's website. This free software can print out building stations, so no lofting is needed.
Glen writes the following about construction methods: They can be built using either an internal or an external strongback and the stem forms can be modified to make use of inner and outer stems if you so desire.
He also adds the following: Please note that neither one has ever been built but I have built a few kayaks along these general lines and they are very nice boats indeed. Anyone who builds and paddles one of these kayaks does so at his/her own risk.
Questions? Email Glen
Free Kayak Plan: The Petite - A low volume kayak for a small paddler
Designer's Statement: The "Petite" is designed for the small-framed, lightweight paddler who wants a kayak for small adults rather than an oversized kayak or a children's kayak.
Design Hydrostatics
Overall Length: 15'
LWL: 14'2.3"
Overall Beam: 19"
BWL: 17.8"
Draft: 3.5"
Design Displacement (used for KAPER): 155 lbs
Wetted Surface: 15.9 ft2
Center of Bouyancy: 53%
CLA: 53%
Cp: .53
Download: Petite Please, note that you must have Kayak Foundry, which is available for free from Ross Leidy's website, to view these plans.
KAPER Results for Free Plan: Petite
Free Kayak Plan: 17', 165lbs - A standard sized kayak
Designer's Statement: "17 foot, 165lbs" is named this way because it is a 17 foot kayak designed for a 165 pound paddler. This paddler weight seems to be fairly standard and this design should provide a decent kayak for general purpose paddling.
Design Hydrostatics
Overall Length: 17'
LWL: 15'6.9"
Overall Beam: 21.7"
BWL: 20.1"
Draft: 4"
Design Displacement (used for KAPER): 225 lbs
Wetted Surface: 19.8 ft2
Center of Bouyancy: 53%
CLA: 53%
Cp: .55
Download: 17', 165lbs Kayak Please, note that you must have Kayak Foundry, which is available for free from Ross Leidy's website, to view these plans.
KAPER Results for Free Plan: 17', 165lbs
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